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The $100 laptop closer to reality

On Thursday 29 September 2005 01:06 pm, Jeff Kinz wrote:
> > True, but you know that won't last long. How would upgrades happen, I
> > wonder, long term?
> heh,heh,  upgrades mean trouble.  "No upgrade for you!"  (IT Nazi)
> seriously- this is such a major undertaking.  I don't think it would
> make sense to allow any modification to the systems, with the possible
> exception of a new image for the ROM.
> of course.... they will get hacked. inevitable.

Can you imagine the poor principals trying to corral this stuff?
Jesus, I can't imagine which will be more dangerous in the future, the kid who 
brings in pot or the kid who brings in a hacked ROM with all the answers he 
cracked out of his teachers WiFi access point....

> How about all the textbooks on any given subject could be replaced by a
> choice of five (maybe as many as 10) really well done books on the
> given subject.  Distribute all of them as e-books (or paper if the
> student wants to shell $ out.)

How about the updated "versions" they bring out every year?
It's such a scam as to make me dread buying school textbooks...until ePaper 
becomes a reality I guess.

Those other ideas seem good. Working out a viable pay scale for people who 
have knowledge is a good thing, says Martha.

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