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[Discuss] mysql problem

On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 6:49 PM, dan moylan <jdm at> wrote:

> mysql-community-client-5.6.21-1.fc20.x86_64

Hi Dan,
I'm still figuring this out too.  MariaDB is the version/branch included
with Fedora 19, 20 and RHEL 7.
I believe you will find an additional repository like  is
enabled in the list from:
#yum repolist

I suspect it may be smoother to use MariaDB since that is what the rest of
the packages in the  distro will be tuned for, but it really might not make
much difference in the long run. Please share differences if you learn
about any.

To find your logs you might type
# ps aux | egrep mysql
as root and look at the command line for the main process which will might
list the log file path as an option.

This works for mariadb - the error logs are by default at:
and the service name is mariadb.service.
The mysql name is used by mariadb in some seemingly random places - I
imagine for backward compatibility with some tools. ( I think the socket
file is one example.) It seems at least that the database and connections
work the same way.

For systemd logs use journalctl
# journalctl -h
Has been helpful to me to get started.
It will at least show service starts and stops, and probably will show if
it's logging to a file or using the journald service. If it's a file it
will probably give the path.

I'd look for a faq entry or installation guide on if you choose
to stick with that option.

Hope that helps a little.
John Hall

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