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fetchmail from verizon

On Monday 05 June 2006 12:42 am, Adam Russell wrote:
> Just as a followup I power cycled my DSL modem this evening.
> I have no idea if this is just a co-incidence or not but my ability to
> connect to incoming and outgoing
> has resumed.
> I have a very low opinion of verizon's abilities. That said, Perhaps the
> fact that my IP lease was so old effected my ability to connect!?!?
> Again, I doubt any of the imbeciles* working for verizon have the chops
> to pull that one off.
I don't think your IP lease age had anything to do with things. However a 
number of years ago, MediaOne (was formerly Highway1 and became ATTBI then 
Comcast) decided to shorten the lease. But that was when there was 
significant growth and they were renumbering segments because they had a 
rule that limited the number of subscribers on a segment. In general, the 
lease can be renewed dynamically with no change in IP address. In my case 
(Comcast) I have had the same IP address since ATTBI when I replaced my old 
leased AUI cable modem with a Motorola SB4100, and reprovisioning at that 
time gave me a new IP address. 
Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
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